Dear Aunty Stanky,
I’m a Ghillie Dhu (a forest fairy of Scottish lore) recently released from a mad scientist’s prison.
The problem?
I liked it better on the inside!
Regular meals, no rent, a cozy spot out of the rain. I had lots of friends in there, including some green kittens who never write. (I presume their paws make it difficult, but still.)
What should I do? Move back to the evil lair, or try to move on?
Dear Iffy,
This should no longer be a problem. If what I know about fairies is true, you need the belief of others to survive. Needless to say, I don’t believe in you, and as soon as this is published, neither will anyone else. (Oh, dear. No one’s clapping for poor Tink! Bye, now…)
Aways your (non-ephemeral)
Captain Stanky

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