Space Squid is an award-winning hybrid publication of hand-scrubbed scifi, fantasy, and humor. Surely you’ve seen the ‘zine at your local zine superstore? Of course you were amazed at our snarky, outrageous stories, comix, and art. We’ve published work from Nicky Drayden (The Prey of Gods, Temper), Kelly Luce (Three Scenarios in Which Hana Sasaki Grows a Tail), Bruce Sterling (Holy Fire, Islands in the Net), Chris Roberson (Clockwork Storybook, Superman, iZombie), Jay Lake (John W. Campbell Award winner), Jennifer Pelland (Nebula nominee), Tony Millionaire (Maakies), Caroline M. Yoachim, William Shakespeare, and a lot of other cool people.
We try to be modest but we are especially proud of the frenzy around the special edition we published in clay tablet form. This got major press (mostly from WIRED) and eventually one of the tablets and a collection of our other issues was inducted into the Cushing science fiction collection at Texas A&M University. The Cushing folks continue to be kind enough to induct our print materials into the collection so it’s currently true that anything that scuttles its way into our thus-far annual print issue is going to be preserved for climate-controlled posterity a few feet from the papers of George R. R. Martin, Michael Moorcock, Rudyard Kipling, and W. Somerset Maugham.
Formerly printed on actual paper (and doggedly so), Space Squid now appears in primarily web form, with new stories and illustrations appearing free of charge on a mostly monthly schedule. We reserve the right to kill more trees for science and science fiction in future.
We also publish samples and original content on this site for free, updated on a monthly basis. We’re always putting up new stuff, including occasional podcast material and an annual “best of” print issue that coincides with Austin’s Armadillocon speculative fiction convention. Space Squid is closely related to the Parsec-winning Drabblecast and the well-known sci-fi website RevolutionSF. In fact some rumors say that there’s incestuous editor-swapping going on. Scandalous!
We accept and publish any media within our technical abilities, including but not limited to fiction, art, comics, music, spoken word, features, humor, lists, DVD commentaries, and xeroxable found objects.
Of course, we’ve posted our contributor’s guidelines. Accepted material will appear in either or both the print and web versions. Authors and artists retain all rights to their material. We are hoping to avoid bankruptcy by selling crap to sci-fi fans and people who want to reach them… so consider buying one of our incredibly cheap ads or funny t-shirts.
To contact us, see the Contact Us page.